Sunday, 11 May 2008

Coastal Zone Management Weblog

This blog has been constructed as part of the CZM module of a Foundation Degree in Marine Environmental Management at Falmouth Marine School. In it I have attempted to:
  • Analyse the natural processes at work in the coastal zone.
  • Identify techniques for coastal protection.
  • Evaluate the effects of human intervention on coastal processes.
  • Appraise socio-economic and environmental factors in the development of the coastal zone.
  • Apply integrated coastal zone management techniques to a defined segment of the coastal zone.
  • Summarise the CZM lectures and field sessions.
  • Research and develop links on CZM.

Although this has been an ongoing project and some of the posts might seem a bit disjointed I hope I have provided enough links and research topics to provide a holistic view of the intricacies of Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

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