Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Shellfish and CZM

Main species exploited
Prawns - 50 species fished wordwide.
European lobsters - 5 years to grow to a saleable weight of 1lb, live up to 15 years.
Edible crabs - best meat yield April to November. Can move up to 100 miles in annual migration.
Oysters - Natives (wild) not sold May-August. Pacific (farmed) sold all year.
Scallops - Can live up to 10 years.
Mussels - Farmed in Scotland, Wales and southern England all year round. Best Oct-March.
Cockles - Dense beds in most estuaries.

Public right to fish
Right to collect shellfish if there is public access to the shore. Controlled by local bye-laws but not prohibited unless by specific several order.

Policy issues
Marine Bill - Shellfish industry fear resultant Act will enable subsequent Statutory Instruments controlling their exploitation. Proposals do not cover 6-12 nautical mile zone. Sea Fisheries Commitees being restructured. Marine Protected Zones/Areas could be commercially exploited.

Shellfish Waters Directive (79/923/EEC) sets mandatory or guideline standards for water quality but excludes crustaceans. Administered by DEFRA and implemented by Environment Agency.

Shellfish Hygiene Directive. CEFAS (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) tests and collates samples of catch on behalf of local enforcement agencies (in Falmouths case the Port Health Authority).

33 of 124 shellfish grounds in the UK are in the South West and account for 44% of all landings.

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