Sunday, 2 December 2007

The Coastal Management Sector

  1. Defra's Flood Risk Management Division is responsible for flood and coastal erosion risk management policy, grant aid for capital works and strategic research.
  2. Defra's European Wildlife Division is also important because of the complexities of applying the Habitats Regulations to coastal risk management in internationally defined sites.
  3. The Environment Agency has operational responsibility for coastal flood risk management. The EA has a series of Flood Defence Committees and national, regional and local officers with executive powers and is also the lead agency in implementing the Water Framework Directive.
  4. District Councils and Unitary Authorities with a coastline have operational responsibilities for coastline protection and land use planning within their areas.
  5. The Marine Consents Environment Unit within Defra is responsible for issuing a variety of licences required for engineering projects below high water mark.
  6. The insurance industry is seeking to influence the amount of investment in flood risk management schemes.
  7. The Treasury is the agency that ultimately controls the Government investment in flood and coastal erosion risk management measures.

The Environment Agency

Joint Nature Conservation Committee - Habitats Regulations

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs